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Product complaint

Dear Customer,

We care about your rights, including the right to lodge a complaint. Below you will find detailed information regarding our liability for defects in the products sold by us, and your rights related to complaints on a statutory basis - under the warranty.

Important! Remember that if a given product has been granted guarantee, then you can lodge a complaint also on its basis – in this case, however, the addressee will be the guarantor specified in the guarantee. The guarantee also defines the scope of each of your rights. Keep in mind that exercising the powers of the guarantee does not affect our liability under the warranty and that the guarantee does not exclude, limit or suspend your rights under the laws of the warranty for defects in the goods sold.

The basis and scope of our liability for defects in a product under warranty is defined by generally applicable laws, in particular the provisions of the Civil Code, and for sales agreements concluded until 24 December 2014 by the provisions of the act dated 27 July 2002 on special terms of consumer sales and on amendments of the Civil Code (Journal of Laws 2002 No. 141, item 1176, as amended).

We have an obligation to deliver a product without defects. We are liable under the warranty if the physical defect of the product is found before the expiry of two years since its release to the buyer. Important! We are liable under the warranty for physical defects which existed at the moment of risk being transferred onto the buyer or resulting from causes inherent to the good sold at the same time.

You can submit a complaint, for example:

·         in writing to the address: ul. Lipowa 13 26-200 Końskie;

·         in electronic form via e-mail to the following address: sklep@tapiso.pl;

Provide a description of the complaint: (1) information and circumstances relating to the subject of the complaint, in particular the type and date of occurrence of the defect; (2) request of the method for bringing the product to conformity with the sales agreement or a statement of price reduction or termination of the sales agreement; and (3) your contact details - this will facilitate and expedite the handling of your complaint. Please note that the requirements listed in the previous sentence are recommendations only and do not affect the effectiveness of the complaint submitted without the recommended description of the complaint.

When submitting the complaint you can use our specimen complaint form, but this is not mandatory.

Basic rights of the buyer in connection with the product complaint

For sales agreements concluded
until 24 December 2014 r.

For sales agreements concluded
from 24 December 2014 r.

In this case, rights generally have two stages, which means that you are able to go to the second stage of rights only after exhausting the rights of the first stage:

1)    Stage: repair/replacement

If the product is not compliant with the agreement, you can request to bring the product to conformity with the agreement by free repair or replacement with a new one, unless repair or replacement is impossible or requires excessive costs. When assessing these costs, the product value in accordance with the agreement is taken into account and the extent of the non-compliance, as well as inconvenience which you would be exposed to by a different method of satisfaction.

2)    Stage: price reduction /refund

If for reasons set out above you cannot require repair or replacement, or if we fail to satisfy such a request in a timely manner or if the repair or replacement would cause significant inconvenience to you, you have a right to demand an appropriate price reduction or terminate the agreement.

Important! You cannot withdraw from the agreement if the non-compliance of the product with the agreement is immaterial.

In this case rights are generally equivalent, which means that you are able to use both the first and the second group of rights immediately:

1)    Group: price reduction /refund

If the sold product has a defect, you can submit a statement for price reduction or withdrawal from the agreement, unless we replace the defective Product for one free from defects or if defects are removed promptly and without undue inconvenience for you.

Important! This limitation does not apply if the product was already replaced or repaired by us or if we did not satisfy the obligation to replace the product for one free of defects or remove the defect.

Ø  If the Client is a consumer, he may instead of the removal of the defect proposed by us in accordance with the provisions above request to replace the product for one that is free from defects or instead of replace the product request the removal of the defect, unless bringing the product to compliance with the sales agreement in a manner chosen by you is impossible or would require excessive costs in comparison to the method proposed by us.

Important! The Client cannot withdraw from the agreement if the defect is immaterial.

2)    Important! The Client cannot withdraw from the agreement if the defect is immaterial

If the sold product has a defect, you can request replacement of the product for one that is free from defects or for removing the defect. However, we may refuse your redress request if the method for brining the defective product to compliance with the agreement chosen by you is impossible or compared to the second possible method for bringing it to compliance with the agreement would require excessive costs.


Remember that the Client, who exercises the powers under warranty, is obligated at our expense to deliver the defective product to the following address: ul. Lipowa 13 26-200 Końskie. However, if due to the type of product or method of installation its delivery would prove too difficult, the Client is obligated to make available to us the product at the place where the product is located.

We shall address your complaint immediately, not later than 14 calendar days from the date of its submission. Important! Failing to respond within the term above means that we found the complaint to be justified.

At http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr there is a platform available for online settlement of disputes between consumers and businesses at the EU level (ODR platform). The ODR platform is an interactive and multilingual website with a comprehensive service point for consumers and businesses seeking extrajudicial settlement of disputes concerning contractual obligations arising from an online sales agreement or agreement for the provision of services.

Additional restrictions connected with the product complaint concerning clients who are not consumers can be included in the regulations of our store.

Other complaints

In the same way as above, you can file a complaint related to the provision of electronic services (e.g. Account or order form) through our Online Store, as well as complaints related to the operation of our Online Store.  

In the description of the complaint specify (1) the information and circumstances relating to the subject of the complaint, in particular the type and date of irregularities; (2) your request; and (3) the contact details - this will facilitate and expedite the handling of the complaint. Please note that the requirements listed in the previous sentence are recommendations only and do not affect the effectiveness of the complaint submitted without the recommended description of the complaint.